Friday, April 3, 2015

Herbert & Bunny, 1924-1946

Woodslawn Farm - Some Family History
Part Four
Herbert & Bunny, 1924 - 1946
(click here to read the story)

To Our Family and Other Readers

Our parents have never gifted us with long tales about their childhoods. It’s not their style to tell detailed stories complete with plot, emotion, or moral. That’s not how they communicate. But over decades they have given out much information about those early years, and a decade or more ago I started collecting these scraps.

Eventually the computer file grew to an impressive size; eventually I decided to turn bits and pieces of the past into a narrative – the document you have before you. Much of the material came from my own or my siblings’ memories of events mentioned to us as we were growing up. Answers to direct questions added new insights. Research, in family documents and online sources, was also fun and enlightening.

We don’t claim that this is the complete story. A casual conversation or a rediscovered photograph may add more information. But it’s the story we have to tell today, March 25, 2015.

This story is as accurate as my collaborators and I could make it. Every time you plow a field you find new rocks. We realize that we may have provided more details about certain topics than some readers will enjoy, and you are welcome to skip paragraphs or pages.

Perhaps one day an illustrated edition will become available, with dozens or hundreds of wonderful family photographs. Perhaps.

I have had much generous and creative assistance with this project, and I give heartfelt thanks to all who helped in so many ways. I never would have finished this work of love without them!

Carol Purington and Co-editors

Click this link to read Herbert & Bunny, 1924 –1946 online or to download a pdf copy (1Mb file.)

PS In case you’re wondering why the title page reads “Woodslawn Farm – Some Family
History, Part Four,” here is the complete list of my proposed family history series.

Part One – Puringtons from England to New England, 1634 –1786
Part Two – Puringtons in Colrain, 1786 –1900
Part Three – George & Agnes & Children, 1900 –1953 – completed
Part Four – Herbert & Bunny, 1924 –1946 – completed
Part Five – Herbert & Bunny & Children

Another fascinating and fun perspective on family history is given in Richard Purington’s
Memories from the Farm, ‘30s & ‘40s. I recommend it!

Newspaper clipping of Herbert and Bunny's January 27, 1946 wedding announcement.
See Appendix C on page 31 of the story for the full text.