George & Agnes Purington, March 28, 1948 |
Their children: Charles, Peggy, Herbert, Walter, Richard. Undated photo. |
Carol has been working on a family history.
"Perhaps someday, some month, I will have copies of this segment of
family history printed and passed out to lots of relatives. Meanwhile,
this is a good beginning. And remember, the document is on a word
processor so corrections and additions are welcome!"
Page 1 of
Family History - Part Three – George & Agnes & Children, 1900-1953 may be read below.
The entire 15 page document may be read or downloaded here.
few words of introduction…
more than a decade I have been accumulating computer notes about our
family, information of all kinds about Puringtons of all spellings.
Some of the history goes back to the 1600s, but this document deals
with the years from 1900 to 1953 – George’s lifespan, with
Agnes’s story continued until her death in 1991.
someday I will write about the earlier periods. I also hope to bring
together many more remembrances of the decades when Herbert, Bunny,
and their 11 children lived on Woodslawn Farm, with frequent visits
from aunts and uncles and cousins. Much material has been omitted
because I felt it would fit better in another section. But some
stories are not included because I have never heard them. So if you
wonder why I left something out, please ask!
give special thanks to Richard for suggesting that it was time to
begin gathering and recording and passing on at least some of what we
account owes its existence to many persons and I’m grateful to all
of them. Stories have been told and retold, questions asked and
answered, photographs and documents examined. It is as accurate as
slippery memories, limited access to old materials, and human
weakness make possible. Storytelling is a continuing process. Other
family members with access to such sources as courthouse documents,
census records, town office reports, and newspaper archives will be
able to add fascinating new information and replace some of my
speculations with facts. At some point it will be possible, I hope,
to illustrate this story with photographs.
all genealogies have their twists and tangles, and our story is made
more complicated to tell, as well as to follow, because of the
several ways the last name is spelled. Feel free to skip!
In more than one place you will read “See Appendix.” However, not
all of the appendixes will be completed when this section is handed
out. They will be provided later, perhaps! Also, here is my proposed
outline for the whole family story:
One – Puringtons from England to New England, 16?-1786
Two – Puringtons in Colrain, 1786 –1900
Three – George & Agnes & Children, 1900-1953
Four – Herbert & Bunny & Children
Agnes and George Purington, sitting on the running board of a car,
perhaps on their wedding day, June 24, 1922? This photo was scanned from
one of Agnes' photo albums. |
Four of the five children: Herbert, Walter, Charles, and Richard, circa 1929 or 1930. Peggy may not have been born when this photo was taken. This photo was scanned from one of Agnes' photo albums. |